HP Support Assistant allows HPcustomers to discover, maintain, and troubleshoot their computer systems, andalso allows customers to contact HP to receive assistance.SOFTPAQ FILE NAME: sp99450.exeSUPERSEDES: SP98862EFFECTIVE DATE: September 29, 2019#.Īdmaai:Any chance you can post that vbscript or regkey.I have been able to semi-automate the installation by using a similar command line like jmaclaurin /q /l.v '%windir%system32logfilesHPHKS.log' REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESSThat command worked for a silent install, but it doesn't fix the new hardware prompt upon reboot.I am using Altirs not SCCM, but none the less we are running into the same problem.
#I would recommend to install latest version of HP Support Assistant.TITLE: HP Support AssistantVERSION: 9.5.353.0 REV: A PASS: 1DESCRIPTION:This package provides HP support Assistant for supported computer models thatare running a supported operating system.